Monday, April 9, 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Resurrection Day!

Jesus, who always was even before the foundation of the world, came to earth to save you & me. People did not believe in Him, they didn't even really want Him around. He left His splendor & glory in Heaven to come to this world to bear our grief, sorrow, sin & shame. He never committed any sin nor did He ever live an unrighteous life, yet God loves us so much that He sent His ONLY son to die for our unrighteousness.
He was spit on, scourged, beaten beyond all recognition, not even resembling a human being, yet, like a lamb, he didn't open His mouth. He was led to the cross, without so much as a whimper. While being nailed to the cross, people laughed at Him, mocked Him, ridiculed Him, but He still prayed that God forgive them for their evil deeds. Hanging on the cross between two sinners, He still died to save them, you & me! Taking in His last breath, He muttered, "It is finished"; all the sin, shame & disgust that we would ever have to go through in life, was now nailed to the cross, abolished through His pain & suffering, allowing you & me the opportunity to live a victorious life!

Thursday, April 5, 2012 - Bible Study with Bro. Mitch Morgan

1 John 1:5-10

We must continue in fellowship with God, forsaking darkness. In darkness, sin abides. Where sin abides, God is not present. God gives us good gifts; they are given freely because of His love for us! We do not deserve His goodness, nor do we work for any of it, but because he loves us, He provides what we need. The wages of sin is death & this we earn for the ungodly deeds we've done! Even in the darkest places & times, God CAN deliver BUT if He doesn't, know that you should still continue in fellowship with Him because He knows best! The Three Hebrew Boys declared that even if God did not deliver them from the fiery furnace, they would NOT bow to the king's golden image! They did not break fellowship! Paul & Silas, in their darkest hour, went into prison still praising God! They did not break fellowship! Pray, praise & worship - communicate with God ALWAYS!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Results of Justification

Our introduction to God through Jesus Christ has give us privileges, access & permission! We have been justified, declared not guilty, sanctified, set free!

Romans 5:1-2

Hebrews 3:1-6

James 1:12

Philippians 1:18-20

2 Corinthians 1:20-22

Sunday, March 25, 2012

There's no reason for the people of God to be defeated because there is no defeat in Him! Worry brings on fear & sin, but Jesus gives a peace that surpasses all understanding! We have been given the victory through Jesus; we must, therefore, walk by faith!

Revelation 1:8

John 1:1-3

Ephesians 3:7-10

Colossians 2:14-19
If Jesus disarmed principalities, we need not be afraid of defeated! The only power Satan has is the power we give to him!

We should speak to the mountain, not wish it away while we sulk. Calling those things that are not into existence as if they were is crucial to NOT live in fear & defeat! Life & death is in the power of the tongue! Only YOU can speak life into your situation! You are more than a conqueror; don't give up & don't give in! You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012 - Bible Study with Sis. Sondra Washington

Breaking Routine

Jonah 1:1-6

Ecclesiastes 7-8
Your latter shall be better if you allow God to break your routine!

2 Chronicles 7:14

Run after Jesus to be broken! Breaking routine could include changing habits, friends, family, decisions, places & yourself!

Abraham & Sarah broke routine: they allowed God's promise to manifest by forgetting about their ages. They stepped out on faith, did something they wouldn't normally do & became the mother & father of many nations!

Paul broke routine: rather than continuing to persecute Christians, he allowed God to use him by following instructions, going where & doing what he was told! He did something he wouldn't normally do, wrote most of the Bible, thus becoming, arguably, the greatest preacher of all time!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Galatians 6:1-10

Luke 18:1
Pray always & don't give up like in verses 9-10!
Follow the example in verses 2-5
The promise is found in verses 6-8

2 Corinthians 4:1

Matthew 5:10-16
Rejoice regardless of what you go through; people were persecuted before you & they will be after you! THEY PERSECUTED JESUS & the servant is NO greater than the Master! You're not the only one so pray, seek God & receive your reward for enduring like a good soldier!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Stir Up the Gift in You!

2 Timothy 1:1-7
In order for the gift to be stirred up, you must stay in the Word! your gift is like fire: to keep a fire going, you have to move the wood around, stirring it up & occasionally, adding more wood &/or fuel OR it will go out! The Word of God is the the fuel!

1 Timothy 4:14-16
Work on your gift! Do not neglect it! Gifts are like car batteries! If you just like a car sit up, without driving it or at least cranking it up, revving the engine & letting it run for awhile, the battery will eventually die! Even if it doesn't die completely, you will find that you might have to give it a boost by charging!